HomeBusinessThe US9514961195221 Text Message Scam

The US9514961195221 Text Message Scam [How to Protect Yourself]

USPS is a delivery service in the United States. So, if you’re about to get something from USPS, you’ll get a text message saying something like “Out for Delivery” or something similar. But you should be careful if you get something like tracking ID US9514961195221 and Delivery on Hold at the same time.

Because of this, a lot of people are asking about the package and getting worried about what they might have missed. But if you are worried about your package, remember that if you aren’t expecting it, there isn’t one. So, here’s our guide to the US9514961195221 USPS text message trick and everything you need to know about it.

What is a Text Message Scam?

A text message scam, also called “smishing,” is a type of fraud that con artists pull off through text messages, just like “vishing.” Scammers send unwanted messages that look like they come from a reliable source (in this case, the USPS) and ask people to click on a link that takes them to a website.

When a user hits on the link, they are taken to what looks like a real website but is actually a fake one set up to steal personal information from customers. You can get details like a user’s name, address, date of birth, passwords, and credit card numbers. Scammers then use this information to steal hundreds of dollars from customers who don’t know anything about it.

What is the US9514961195221 Scam?

The US9514961195221 scam involves the distribution of text messages that falsely claim to be from the United States Postal Service (USPS) or a similar postal or delivery service. These messages inform the recipient that a package delivery has been held up and requires immediate action on their part. The message typically contains a tracking number, which in this case is often cited as “US9514961195221” or a variation thereof, and a link that the recipient is urged to click in order to resolve the supposed delivery issue.

This scam cleverly exploits the common experience of awaiting package deliveries, a situation familiar to many in the era of online shopping. By masquerading as an official communication from a trusted postal service, the scam creates a sense of urgency and legitimacy, compelling the recipient to take the bait. However, the real purpose behind this facade is not to assist with delivery but to ensnare individuals in a web of deceit.

How Does the USPS US9514961195221 Scam Work?

The con artists use an interesting method. Strangely, con artists will tell you that your package has been delayed or sent back because your address was wrong. So, they make it look like it came from the USPS (also known as the Post Office, US Mail, or Postal Service) to make you think it is real and came from them.

Also, they change your tracking number to something like US9514961195221 and send you to a website where you can change your address by clicking on the link they give you.

Users are fooled into thinking it’s the real USPS site because it looks and works just like the real one. The logo and writing layout are also very similar, which makes the whole thing seem more real.

They may also send you a temporary link or a PayPal email and ask you to send a certain amount of money so they can bring your package and give it to you.

But when you ask them to come forward or at least show you their face or the object, they say it’s against company policy. This means that this shady practice is the most successful scam ever.

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What’s the Purpose of US9514961195221?

The reason is here!! Scammers only make this fake tracking ID and send these texts to get people to click on a link that takes them to their sites. As soon as you click on the link or tracking number, you’ll be taken to their website, which looks like it’s run by a real company, and the scam will start.

Scammers use some common tricks to trick you once you get to their site. They ask you to check or change your information, like your phone number and physical address, and pay back the delivery costs.

Also, they ask you to check your credit cards on the website so that they can steal your money in the last step of their scam. No matter what they do, you need to keep your senses sharp and tell them to stop making you look like a fool.

How to Verify the Fake USPS Failed Delivery Text Scam?

You can quickly check if the USPS failed delivery scam is real. If you’ve got a message like this, ask yourself the following:

  • Do you think USPS will send you a package? If it doesn’t, it’s a fake.
  • If you were expecting a package, compare the tracking number you got via text message to the one you got from USPS. If the numbers don’t match, it’s likely that this text is a scam.
  • If you don’t know your tracking number or have deleted the email or other information you got from the USPS, copy the code from the text and enter it on the USPS tracking page. Scammers use old or wrong tracking IDs, so you’ll usually get an error message that says the thing can’t be tracked.
  • The text message doesn’t have a link to USPS’s website. Users have to send a certain text message to an official number in order to join or leave the service. So, if you get a text with a link, don’t click on it. It’s best to get rid of it right away; either way, don’t click on links that look sketchy.
  • Google or your browser could mark the fake website as misleading if a lot of people report it. Scammers could then set up a redirect on that name to send you to another fake website instead. Again, don’t click on any links you get in the text to stay safe.

The US9514961195221 Text Message Scam: How to Protect Yourself

US9514961195221 Text Message Scam

If you pay attention, you can avoid a text message scam like the US9514961195221. Here are some signs that a text message could be harmful.

Tracking Number

After previous victims reported it, the US9514961195221 tracking number has been marked as suspicious. Since this is the case, you can safely ignore any message with this number.

On the other hand, scammers can trick their targets by using a different fake tracking number. Copy the suspicious tracking number and paste it into the USPS tracker tool at https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction_input to be sure. If the numbers are wrong, an error message that says “Status Not Available” will be shown.

Generic Greeting

You shouldn’t trust texts that call you “user” or “customer” instead of your name. When you sign up for a service, most companies will have access to your full name and use it every time they talk to you in the future.

Even though this isn’t proof that a text message is smishing, it could be part of a bigger pattern, so be careful.

Spelling and Grammar

Companies with a lot of workers, like USPS, have great customer service because they pay close attention to the details. If a message that seems to come from a trusted source has mistakes like bad grammar and spelling, it may be a sign that the sender is up to no good.

Carefully read any texts you get to make sure you don’t miss any technical mistakes a scammer may have made in a hurry.

Directing Towards a Shortened Link

The most common thing scammers do is send their victims to a website where they tell them their problem might be fixed. These links may take you to fake sites that look and feel just like the real ones. Even if you don’t give any information after hitting the link, malware like trojan horses and spyware may still be downloaded in the background and harm your system.

If you can, try not to use any links at all. Instead, type what you want to see into the site’s search bar. So, you won’t have to worry about whether or not what you’re doing is real. Call the customer service line if you have any problems, and they’ll help you right away.

Sense of Urgency

Text message scams often use statements that are meant to make you feel something right away. The intended reaction is one that happens right away before the person receiving the message has time to figure out why it was sent.

Scammers take advantage of people’s fears to make them think they’ve done something wrong that, if they don’t fix it right away, will cause them to lose a lot of money.

Even if a text message has words like “urgent” or “hurry” in it, you should usually think about it before responding quickly. So, you can make plans with faith and avoid any disasters that might happen.

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What to Do if You Fall for the USPS Failed Delivery Text Scam?

What should you do if you fall for a fake failed delivery text scam set up by scammers?

As long as you didn’t add any personal information to the website after clicking on the link, you should be fine. But you should still check your computer for viruses and get rid of any bugs you find. Also, check to see if the website you went to took over your browser. Delete the attacker if it has.

If you paid for the fake delivery with a credit or debit card, call your bank to get your money back and ask them to temporarily freeze the card so scammers can’t use it.

How to Stay Safe Online and Avoid Malware?

Here are 10 basic security tips to help you avoid malware and keep your computer safe:

1. Use a Good Antivirus and Keep it Up to Date

To remain ahead of the latest cyber threats, it is crucial to utilize a high-quality antivirus and keep it updated. Malwarebytes Premium is a product that we use on all of our devices, including Windows and Mac computers as well as mobile devices. Malwarebytes rests alongside your conventional antivirus software, filling any defence gaps and providing additional protection against stealthier security threats.

2. Keep Software and Operating Systems Up to Date

Update your operating system and applications regularly. Whenever an update is released for your device, you should immediately download and apply it. These updates frequently include security patches, remedies for vulnerabilities, and other essential maintenance.

3. Install an Ad Blocker

Use a content blocker like AdGuard that works in your browser. Content blockers help stop malicious ads, Trojans, phishing, and other unwanted content that a security product alone might not be able to stop.

4. Be Careful When Installing Programs and Apps

When installing software, pay close attention to the installation displays and license agreements. Custom or sophisticated installation options typically disclose the presence of any additional third-party software. Before clicking “Next,” exercise extreme caution at every stage of the process and ensure that you understand the terms to which you are consenting.

5. Be Alert to People Trying to Trick You

Be on the lookout for people trying to trick you into clicking on links or responding to messages. This could happen on your email, phone, Messenger, or other apps. Keep in mind that phone numbers are easy to fake, so a known name or number doesn’t make a message more reliable.

6. Be Careful What you Download

Cybercriminals’ main goal is to get you to download malware, which are programs or apps that try to steal information or spread malware. This software can look like an app, like a popular game, or one that checks the traffic or weather.

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7. Choose Strong Passwords

Utilize unique, robust passwords for each account. Avoid using personal information or words that are readily guessed as passwords. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) whenever practicable on your accounts.

8. Backup Your Data

Verify that your data backups can be restored frequently. This can be accomplished manually on an external hard drive or USB device, or automatically using backup software. This is also the most effective anti-ransomware measure. Never connect the backup drive to a computer that you believe to be infected with malware.

9. Be Careful Where you Click

Be careful about clicking on links or downloading files from places you don’t know. These could have malware or phishing scams on them.

10. Don’t Use Pirated Software

Avoid using Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file-sharing programs, keygens, cracks, and other illegal software, which can often risk your data, privacy, or both.

To avoid potential online dangers, it is essential to adhere to these ten fundamental safety guidelines. By doing so, you can avoid many of the unwelcome surprises that can arise when using the Internet.


In the digital age, vigilance against scams is more crucial than ever. The US9514961195221 scam exemplifies the sophisticated tactics employed by fraudsters to exploit unsuspecting individuals. By staying informed about these tactics, you can protect not only yourself but also help safeguard your community by raising awareness.

Encourage discussions about digital security within your social circles. Sharing knowledge about scams and their warning signs can empower others to navigate the digital world more safely. Remember, education and awareness are among the most effective tools against the threat of phishing and similar scams. Let’s commit to fostering a culture of digital vigilance, where protecting one another becomes a shared responsibility. Together, we can diminish the impact of digital scams and create a safer online environment for everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about US9514961195221

Does USPS automatically give a tracking number?

They do, yes. All USPS services come with free tracking, and every envelope and box has a unique tracking number printed on the shipping label.

Does USPS send text messages about deliveries?

Unless you have a delivery coming up soon or asked them to send you a text message about the package. Other than that, there’s no reason for USPS to tell you about a specific arrival.

You can choose to get an email or text message from USPS before a package is delivered. If you chose the second option, you shouldn’t be getting SMS texts.

Not only that, but they talk to each other in a serious, professional way, while scammers talk quickly to make their victims worry and click on the link.

What to Do When You Receive The us9514961195221 Scam Text?

When you get a text like this, the best thing to do is to block the sender and remove the text. Make sure you don’t click on the link; instead, just delete it and tell your family and friends about it so they don’t fall for it.



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